Saturday, July 20, 2013

Best View from the House

Friday we were on the roof so that I could clean the gutters (a new experience for me) and Kev could patch up the roof (a new experience for him). While we were up there we got to see this amazing view of the Blatnik Bridge being lit up by the setting sun and of the St. Louis Bay. It was surprisingly nice up there away from most of the skeeters and a bit cooler after all the +90 degree days we've been having. 

The gutters looked like they hadn't been cleaned in ages! There were lots of plants and extensive root systems in them. 

I cleaned out the top set of gutters and now all we have to do is clean the set on the first floor. 

While I was enjoying my time with the gutters, Kev was patching up a couple of spots on the roof where an old poplar tree had rubbed the shingles away. 

This was the worst spot on the roof.

Kev hard at work!

First patch done!
Second patch done!
One small issue came up when we were at the home improvement store trying to get our shingles; they do not stock the exact color/type shingles. The original ones are green and white with a bit of blue and those would have to be special ordered, but we only needed one pack. So, after two stores we just tried to match them the best we could and it turned out better than I expected. 

Not too bad, eh?
Our mess at the end of the day:

It was a productive day.


  1. I am going to let your grandfather respond to this one. Sometime ask him what kind of surgery he had the day before he helped Sonny Strickland tear off an old roof in Punta Gorda, FL. You'll like the story.
    The view was delightful!

  2. Don't fall off the roof please!

    1. We didn't fall off the roof that time, but I guess there is always the next time :)

  3. Obviously, the surgery had to be brain surgery for me to ever get on a roof again. It looks good - you can see real progress.


  4. Oops....heard the surgery story recently! The view is awesome!

    1. I think so too! We should build a deck up there to hang out.
